DGE 6800  Willis Frazer

Club: Clarksdale

I am a retired banker that lives in Clarksdale, MS.  I graduated from the University of Mississippi in 1973 and was a CPA with a national accounting firm in Memphis, TN for 3 years before entering the banking industry.  I retired in 2017 after spending 40 years in the community banking world in which I was Chairman and CEO of a bank that I and several other individuals started in 2000 and managed until it was sold in 2016 just prior to my retirement.  I became a Rotarian in 1982 and have enjoyed these past 41 years as a member of the Clarksdale Rotary Club.  I have served as President, Secretary and Treasurer and last year was my first term as an Assistant Governor for District #6800.  I have received 3 Paul Harris Fellows and became a member of the Paul Harris Society in the year 2022-2023.  I am the District Governor Nominee (DGN) for District #6800 for 2023-2024 as well as the membership chair.  I look forward to serving as District Governor for the year 2025-2026.  In addition to my Rotary involvement, I am very active in the Presbyterian Church of America at the local, presbytery and national level including having been a past Moderator of Presbytery and on the PCA Foundation Board for approximately 20 years or more including 2 terms as Chairman.  I also have enjoyed backpacking throughout the USA as well as playing tennis most of my life including having been a letterman on the Ole Miss tennis team for 3 years.  Life has been good, and I look forward to my future involvement with Rotary and the Foundation and the furtherance of mankind in undeveloped areas around the world.