
Mário César Martins de Camargo,

2025-26 Rotary International President

Rotary Club de Santo Andre’

São Paulo, Brazil

Mário César Martins de Camargo is a business consultant to the printing industry and former director of Gráfica Bandeirantes, a printing company founded by his father. Under de Camargo’s leadership, the company expanded to be a supplier of printed material for clients in Brazil and elsewhere in South America.

De Camargo attended military school and graduated from a secondary school in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, during a Rotary Youth Exchange program. He had a yearlong internship at MAN Roland, a printing press manufacturer in Offenbach, Germany, before he earned his undergraduate degree at the Fundación Getulio Vargas’ São Paulo School of Business Administration. He also received his law degree from the Faculty of Law of São Bernardo do Campo.

He has led numerous professional associations, including as president of the Brazilian Association of Graphic Technology and ABIGRAF, the Brazilian Printing Industry Association. He was also delegate director of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) in the National Confederation of Industry, vice president of FIESP, and vice president of the Latin American Confederation of the Printing Industry. He received the Printing Leader of the Americas award from the Printing Association of Florida and the Global Presidential Print Award from NPES, the Association for Suppliers of Printing, Publishing, and Converting Technologies.

De Camargo joined Rotary in 1980 at age 23. A past director and trustee, he will be the fourth RI president from Brazil. He has volunteered for numerous roles including RI learning facilitator, zone coordinator for the Avoidable Blindness Task Force, Latin American coordinator for the Health Concerns Task Force, RI president’s representative, and Council on Legislation representative. He has also served on committees including the RI Membership Growth Committee, The Rotary Foundation Programs Finance Committee, and the International PolioPlus Committee.

De Camargo says he is continually impressed by Rotary’s global reach. “With Service Above Self, Rotary has created a unique global identity that is unlike any other I know,” he says. “I think we all need to remember that we belong to an organization that opens up the world to us.”

During the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, de Camargo took on two projects: studying for (and passing) the bar exam — 38 years after attending law school — and learning Italian. He also enjoys reading history and biography books and appreciating good wine.

De Camargo has received The Rotary Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award. He and his wife, Denise, are Major Donors and Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation.


Greg E. Podd, C.PA., P.F.S.,

Rotary Foundation Vice Chair 2025 – 2026

Rotary Foundation Trustee 2022 – 2026

Rotary International Vice President 2015 – 2016

Rotary International Director 2014 – 2016

Greg is a C.P.A. (Certified Public Accountant) and a P.F.S. (Personal Financial Specialist) having operated his own practice since June 1979. During his professional tenure, he has written four professional continuing education courses and has been a keynote speaker at five national conferences. 

Greg has taught many courses as a guest professor at Arizona State University in the Master of Taxation program and has made presentations to over 20,000 Certified Public Accountants and Chartered Accountants from the United States and foreign countries. He was also the President and owner of a very large metal fabrication firm for the telecommunication industry and an international healthcare software development firm. 

Greg became a Rotarian in May 1982 and is a member of the Evergreen Rotary Club.  On an international level, he served a six-year term as a member of the Rotary International Investment Committee and a three-year term as a member of the Rotary International Finance Committee. Greg has chaired five Zone Institutes and served as a Rotary International Training Leader at the International Assembly in San Diego – January 2010 and 2011 (where Pam and Greg served as the Hospitality Host).  He also served as a Rotary Foundation Future Vision Training Leader – January 2013. Greg and Pam also served as the Assistant Chief Sergeant at Arms at the International Assembly – January 2012.

On a regional level, Greg served a three-year term as a Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator and a three-year term as a Regional Rotary International Membership Coordinator where he chaired the Rotary International Presidential Membership Conference in Phoenix, Arizona – January 2009.  He also served a three-year term as a Rotary Foundation Major Gifts Advisor where he established his District’s Million Dollar Dinner raising over $3,100,000 for the Rotary Foundation in one night.  Greg was the Group Study Exchange Leader to District 3790 – Philippines in February 2006. He has also served as the President’s Representative for Rotary International for many years and was his District’s representative to the Rotary International Council on Legislation – 2007.

During the Rotary year 2014 – 2015, in addition to his duties as a Rotary International Director, Greg chaired the Rotary Audit Committee, the Rotary Board Council on Legislation Advisory Committee, and the Service Above Self Award Selection Committee. He also served as a member of the Rotary Board Programs Committee, Council and Board Committee and Rotary International District Governor / Director Allocation Committee.  Greg and Pam also served as the Rotary International Director – Elect trainers for the Rotary year ending 2015 and 2016.

During the Rotary year 2015 – 2016, Greg served as the Vice President of Rotary International and a member of the Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Council and Board Committee and the Workgroup to examine Rotary’s current International Convention model.  During the Rotary year 2016 – 2017 he served as a member of the Rotary International Election Review Committee, the Rotary International Board Governance Committee, and the Vice Chair of the Rotary International Operations Review Committee.  In 2017 – 2020 he served as the Assistant Moderator and Moderator for the Regional Leader Training Institute.

After completing a 6-year term on the Rotary International Operations Review Committee, Greg is currently serving a 4-year term as a Trustee of the Rotary Foundation.  In addition to his duties as a Rotary Foundation Trustee, Greg has served as the Chair of the Investment Committee, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Rotary Foundation Finance Committee, Chair of the Working Group to Review Joint Committees, Member of the Committee Selection Task Force, Member of the Rotary Foundation Funding Model Committee, Member of the Strategic Workgroup Committee, Member of the Programs Committee, Member of the Enhancement and Expansion of the Current Grant Model Committee, Member of the Rotary Foundation Participant Experience Committee, Incoming Trustee Trainer and Liaison to the Board of Directors of Rotary International and Joint Technology Committee.

Greg is the recipient of the “Service Above Self Award” and The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service Award.  Greg and his wife Pam have been married for 50 years, and have three beautiful children; Kyle (Jessi), Melanie (Matt) and Bryan and four very special grandchildren; Carter, Madison, Payton and Vivian.  All members of the family are Paul Harris Fellows with Greg and Pam being Multi Paul Harris Fellows, Paul Harris Society Members, Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member, Bequest Society Members, and Major Donors.  In addition, Greg and Pam are both Arch C. Klumph Society Members

Brian Hall

Rotary International Director-Elect

Rotary Club of Covington, LA

Brian is a member of the Rotary Club of Covington, LA. He has served his club and district in many positions, including as District 6840 Governor in the 2014-2015 Rotary year. Brian was active with the Host Organizing Committee of the 2011 Rotary International Convention, where he served as the chair of the Technology Committee, and as a member the RI Promotions Committee for the 2019 Honolulu convention. He served Rotary Zone 31 as Assistant Regional Rotary Public Image Coordinator in the 2013-2014 year, as an Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator in the 2016-2019 years, and as End Polio Now Coordinator from 2019 to 2022. Brian served as a Training Leader at the International Assembly in both 2018 and 2019 and a Training Leader Support in 2021 and 2022.

Brian is currently serving as the Chair Elect of the board of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Rotary Action Group and board member and past chair of the Past District Governors Fellowship. Brian is also serving as chair of the Joint Rotary International/Rotary Foundation Technology committee, reporting to the RI Board of Directors and The Rotary Foundation’s Trustees. Brian received Rotary’s Service Above Self award in the 2021-2022 Rotary year. Brian will be serving as a member of the Board of Directors of Rotary International in the 2025-2027 Rotary years from Zones 30 and 31.
Brian has been married to his wife, Lynn, for 31 years. They currently reside in Madisonville, Louisiana. They have two children, Keely and Patrick.
Brian was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. Brian worked as a CPA for several years before changing careers to become a computer programmer. In 1998 he and Lynn relocated to New Orleans, where Brian decided to merge his backgrounds and begin consulting with companies regarding business and financial systems. In 2000, he and three others formed AIM Technologies to provide information and business systems sales and consulting.



Jamie Higgins

Zone 31 Public Image Coordinator

Jamie Higgins has a 20-year career working in philanthropy serving organizations such as The Centers Foundation, Community Service, Inc. Pulaski Technical College, Big Brothers Big Sisters and Arkansas Foodbank Network.

His Rotary journey started in 2011 when he joined the Rotary Club of Morrilton where he has served as their club President in 2014-15 and was named twice the club’s Rotarian of the Year. 

At the district level Jamie has served as RYLA chair, Youth Exchange chair, Assistant Governor and in 2020-21 served as Governor for District 6170. He currently serves at the zone level as Zone’s 31 Public Image Coordinator working with 17 districts in the heart of America. In addition, he has served on the executive team of the 2024 Zone Institute in Huntsville, Alabama, was a member of the 2023 Rotary International Director nominating committee and served as a 2025 Rotary International Assembly Lead Facilitator. He is a Paul Harris Society member and a Rotary International Foundation Bequest Society level 2 member. Jamie loves to travel and collect key chains from his travels. He also enjoys culinary adventures and cooking. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations from Harding University and is an Accredited Public Relations (APR) professional. 

Darwin Sampedro

Senior Office, The Americas

Club and District Support

Rotary International


Born in Machala, Ecuador, Darwin studied law at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito.  He moved to Chicago in 1998.  In December 2008, he received an Associate Degree from Harry S. Truman College in Chicago, Illinois, with a concentration in Fine Arts. Darwin also studied Computer Information Systems at Harry S. Truman College and received a diploma in this field in 2002. 

 Darwin began working for Rotary on October 10, 2000, in the Publications Order Services Department. In 2003, he joined the Club and District Support (CDS) team as assistant. Two years later he was promoted to CDS coordinator. Darwin is fluent in English and Spanish. Darwin assists clubs and districts in Zones 30-31 in the United States, and Zone 25-A and 23B in Latin America.

 Darwin is married to Veronica, and the proud father of four sons. In his free time, Darwin coaches youth soccer and enjoys coordinating youth and adult events in St. Padre Pio Parish in Chicago, Illinois.


Patrick Longano

Patrick Longano is the Rotarian behind IMPACT, Rotary’s first and most successful Companion Club. With a passion for membership growth, he has created and inspired clubs across eight countries using his innovative four-step process. Patrick’s work in developing the Companion Club model, which strengthens existing clubs rather than forming new ones, has been showcased at multiple RI Conventions, where he has shared his expertise in service-oriented, community-focused membership. Patrick lives in Lenoir NC with his wife Angela and his son Harrison. He is the Co-owner of Dacdb.


Ted Huffhines

DG District 5830   2017-2018


Ted was asked to join Rotary International in 2008. He is a member of the Marshall Rotary Club of Marshall, Texas, and has served as Club President, Foundation Chair, and has also served as Assistant Governor for District 5830. The Marshall Club was selected as the Outstanding Civic Organization in Marshall during Ted’s year as President. The club continued to increase its Foundation Giving each year he served as Foundation Chair.

He received the Club “Service Above Self” award in 2014 and “Rotarian of the Year” in 2017. Ted received The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service in 2023. Ted and Angela are Arch Klumph Society members, Major Donors, Bequest Society,  Paul Harris Society members and  Polio Plus Society Members. Ted has been a trainer/ facilitator at multiple Lone Star PETS, Zone 31 trainings and District 5830 events. A high light for Ted was attending the RI Conventions in Lisbon and Hamburg and then touring parts of Europe with other Rotarians from across the USA. He and Angela have attended the RI Conventions in Lisbon, Atlanta, Toronto, Hamburg, Houston, and Singapore. He enjoyed serving District 5830 as Governor during 2017-2018. During the 2017-2018 Rotary year the District set records for giving to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund and to Polio Plus. He has served District 5830 as District Trainer and Foundation Chair. He served as Zone 31 Paul Harris Society chair for 2019-2020, Assistant Regional Foundation Coordinator for 2020-2021, and Endowment & Major Gifts Officer for 2021-2024. He will serve as Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator for Zone 31 for 2025-2028.

Ted and Angela have been married for 41 years. They are the proud parents of Holly (husband Brad) and Heather (husband Garrett).  They have four grandchildren. Their children are all Paul Harris Fellows. Ted and Angela are both retired educators. Ted was a teacher and coach, and he also served for many years as a high school principal and district administrator. Both of their daughters followed their parents into education and are high school teachers. The entire family are graduates of The University of Texas @ Austin and proudly support the Longhorns. Ted is an active member of his local church. He also serves his community as an elected member of the Marshall ISD Board of Trustees. Ted has also served as a board member for Christus-Good Shepherd Hospital system, Boy’s & Girl’s Club, Harrison County Appraisal District, Marshall Chamber of Commerce, Genesis Prime Care and Harrison County Texas Exes. In addition to his community service and volunteer work, Ted loves to travel, hunt, and play golf.


Ashley Mitchell

Annual Giving Officer

Ashley Mitchell is an Annual Giving Officer at The Rotary Foundation, supporting the Heart of America in Zones 30 & 31. Originally from Detroit and having lived in Atlanta, Ashley holds dual bachelor’s degrees in Marketing and Managerial Sciences. After transitioning from operations management to the nonprofit sector three years ago, she has specialized in fundraising, marketing, and donor engagement.

Previously, Ashley served as a Development Associate at A Better Chicago, where she supported fundraising efforts for community-driven projects. Driven by Rotary’s motto ‘Service Above Self,’ Ashley collaborates with Rotary leaders to increase support for the Annual Fund, promote the Paul Harris Society, and enhance online giving. Outside of work, Ashley enjoys traveling and collecting vinyl records from the places she visits. To connect, email ashley.mitchell@rotary.org or call (847) 866-3362


Kent Gonsoulin


 “Non-Serious, Non-Political Levity from a born on the Bayou South Louisiana Cajun Boy” Kent Gonsoulin is a Cajun comedian who was born in New Iberia, LA and grew up in Opelousas, Louisiana. He started performing as a Cajun comedian 30 years ago in his hometown of Opelousas, and a short time later was performing throughout the south. He is a past champion of the International Cajun joke telling contest. He appears regularly on several TV and radio programs and has acted in commercials, and in 3 movies. He has also performed at the Mickey Gilley Theater in Branson, Missouri and has been seen on the “E” entertainment network.

He currently lives in Baton Rouge and shares his Cajun point of view with audiences at banquets, comedy shows and corporate events. About Rotary Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members of more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. For more information, visit Rotary.