What to expect at Pets
Ole Man River Multi-District President-Elect Training Seminar will train about 250 presidents-elect from Mississippi, the Memphis area, and Louisiana.
Facilitated sessions help learners acquire and apply knowledge and skills through a variety of learning experiences, such as questions, practice exercises, and opportunities for learners to share their experiences and learn from one another. These sessions are grouped according to club size, enabling you to meet with presidents with similar club structure, and are sure to be helpful to you in leading your club. You will receive a President-Elect group assignment in your registration packet once you arrive at PETS.
You will have the opportunity to meet with your District Governor Elect and other Presidents-Elect from your district in District Sessions.
International and Regional Keynote speakers will deliver inspirational messages during the plenary sessions and meals.
The dress is business casual. It is recommended you bring a jacket or sweater in case the facilities are cool/cold.
You should bring your electronic devices, as well as paper, pen and highlighter. Bring Rotary business cards to exchange with other club PEs. This website will have contact information for all those in attendance at the event and remain available to you during your year of service.
OMR PETS activities begin on Friday morning, although some attendees may choose to arrive on Thursday evening based on their travel distance.